about us

HI.  I am Alisa Roth, LMT, CA, BA-Psych.  I am the mother of 8 and the grandmother of one.  I went back to school in mid life to find a natural way to manage pain.  In the end I found massage therapy which is more then just a pain management modality.  I am excited to begin this new Chapter in life.  I couldn't have done this without the understanding and support of my children.  They had to give up alot for a year while I was at class and working.  I want to share with everyone this unbelievable modality that has such a wide range of affects on a person.  

I believe that a the heart of all people their is beauty, balance, and harmony, but we have forgotten to be still on the inside as the world gets more complicated.  Stress is almost an every day feeling for many as we rush to keep up.  I found that I keep up better once I slow down and spend some time with myself to just breath are relax.